Monday, September 20, 2010

From the Garden

We had three ears of corn that came out pretty decent. The rest I left on the stalk too long and they dried out too much. The three were really good, though. Hopefully, better luck next year.

This is Nabura. Naoko loves this. One for the taste and another because each one costs $3 at the local Asian market. She'd picked about 15 already and there's probably about 10-15 more on the vine. Pretty good growing from just four seeds.

Speaking of the vine, it's been growing pretty crazy.

I think next year, the majority of our garden is going to be those Japanese items that are hard to find...and expensive when found.


Maureen said...

You got corn....Excellent!!! And what exactly does one do with Nabura?

Mike said...

You peel it, slice it and cook it with miso, tofu and (don't make that face)...spam. It's actually Joshua's favorite vegetable. Or, you peel it, dry it out and it's a loofah. Naoko says they only do that with the ones they pick too late and are already drying out (don't want to waste food). She says you don't even need soap with it because it scrubs off all the dirt and old dead skin. I'm going to try it with one of them.

Maureen said...

Would I be making the face at tofu or spam...cause I could go either way. We actually wanted to try making our own loofahs; maybe next year we'll plant one of these.