Saturday, August 8, 2009


Can you believe it? 88 degrees! And it's supposed to get up to...93 tomorrow! ARRRRGH!!


Maureen said...

...very funny....ha ha ha...

Steve said...

And remember this winter when you are shoveling snow we will be eating fresh vegetables and salad greens from the garden.

Mike said...

Yeah, that's why being able to enjoy the summer is so nice. We know winter will be here soon enough. And since this is a cooler summer, they're saying it may be a colder than normal winter. Yuck!

And Maureen, Naoko loves the Mennonites so much, she says she wants to get the outfit with the bonnet and everything. They really are just the sweetest people you'll ever meet.

Maureen said...

Then they probably wouldn't let me in anyway.