Sunday, March 29, 2009

Whether 'tis Nobler to suffer the Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune. . .

A long time family friend, Sue Holt, sent the following joke.  If you spend and time in the vicinity of small ones you will have experienced something like the following.  The key is to remember the story and tell it later.  I hope to keep this one in the file of  'Stupid teacher Jokes'. 

We who have taught or love children know this is funny!

From the diary of a Pre-school teacher.

My five year old students are learning to read.
Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said, 
"Look at this! It's a frikin elephant!"
I took a deep breath, then asked, "What did you call it?"
"It's a frikin' elephant!  It says so on the picture!"

...and so it does.

African Elephant

Hooked on Phonics, ain't it wonderful?

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